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Australasian PASS and Peer Learning Conference

Conference Theme – Best Practice PASS/Peer Learning Post Pandemic: Opportunities and Challenges

Submission deadline – 1 March 2025

The Organising Committee invites submissions for the Australasian PASS Alliance Conference to be held at Rydges World Square, Sydney on 24-25 June 2025.

We invite you to share your ideas, innovations, adaptations and challenges to PASS/Peer Learning post pandemic.

To assist you we have listed a number of sub-themes:

  • Advances, innovations and challenges in PASS/Peer Learning
  • Adjusting to a rapidly shifting HE landscape
  • Impacts of technology and AI
  • Enhancing Leader professional development

There are three submission types:

  • Workshops
  • Roundtables
  • Emerging initiatives

The Organising Committee encourages submissions from staff, student leaders or collaborations by staff and students.


Workshops should aim to report on practice-based initiatives, outcomes of early research or showcase ideas or activities that are indicative of best practice or innovation within the areas of PASS or Peer Learning. Workshops should explain what is done, how it is done and the impact (or expected impact) while providing opportunities for audience participation and collaboration.

Presentation duration: 40 minutes

Workshop submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Contains an academic focus and the initiative, idea or activity supports students’ learning
  • Relevance to conference theme
  • Reference/Contribution to an existing body of knowledge
  • Currency of material
  • Originality of topic, innovation or ideas
  • Organisation and structure


Staff or Student Leaders are welcome to nominate to act as a Moderator on a Roundtable discussion. This may be on any aspect or topic of PASS or Peer Learning that they have a particular interest or expertise in; and/or any topic of practice that is proving challenging for their respective program or an area of research they are interested in.

Moderators should be prepared to outline the key points/issues and facilitate an inclusive discussion on the topic with key questions posed to the table.

Roundtable duration: 40 minutes

Roundtable submissions will be assessed against the following criteria: 

  • Currency of material or topic
  • Relevance to conference theme
  • Quality of description on how the discussion will be facilitated and questions/talking points to be covered

Emerging Initiatives

Emerging Initiatives focus on practical initiatives and innovations. Submissions should explain what is being done/proposed, how the work is innovative or what problem or issue is addressed, and importantly how or why this initiative builds on or extends existing good practice or knowledge.

Submissions should include a rationale that explains why the initiative exists or what it hopes to achieve, and the approach or method that will be used. Importantly, presenters of emerging initiatives should solicit feedback and encourage discussion from conference delegates about the initiative.

Emerging initiatives duration:  40 minutes

Emerging initiatives submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • The quality of the description of what is being done or proposed and how the emerging initiative builds on or extends current practice or knowledge
  • A clear rationale for why the initiative is being explored or undertaken and the approach or method that is being/will be used
  • Currency of material
  • Level of impact (or expected impact)
  • Originality and practicality of initiative
  • Inclusion of key questions or issues that will be posed to encourage audience participation and discussion

Submission details

Proposals are to be submitted to the Australasian PASS Alliance at with the following information:

  • Completed cover sheet, including abstract
  • References included where appropriate
  • Proposals should not exceed 3 pages (including the cover sheet)

Key Dates

Submission deadline: 1 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2025

Audio Visual Requirements

You will be advised on requirements once your submission has been accepted.